Reluctant wife, compelled climax.

Shy wife forced to cum

A Hot Quickie with the Chubby Milf Next Door: Reluctant Wife, Compelled Climax

Heck yeah, here we go!

It was a sweltering summer night, and the neighborhood was dead quiet. That was until I heard a soft moan from Mrs. Johnson’s house, the chubby milf next door who was known for her fiery temper and even hotter bod. I peeked through the gap in my blinds, and there she was, all curvy and sexy in a sheer nightie.

The Reluctant Wife

Mrs. Johnson was giving off this “don’t mess with me” vibe as she paced back and forth in her living room. She was giving her husband the cold shoulder, and he was clearly trying to get in her pants. But she was giving him the stiffest of arms, refusing to give in.

I watched as he begged and pleaded, but she just shook her head and crossed her arms. I could see the initiate in her eyes, and I knew she was fighting a losing battle. I couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement as I imagined taking her place and showing her husband just how good a woman can be.

Compelled Climax

I held my breath as Mrs. Johnson stormed off to the bedroom. I followed close behind, sneaking a peek as I went. I could see the outline of her body through the closed door, and I could hear the sound of her husbands’ zipper being pulled down.

I crept up to the door and listened as Mrs. Johnson let out a soft whimper. I knew she was fighting it, but I also knew she wanted it. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Mrs. Johnson’s eyes widened as she saw me standing there. She tried to slam the door in my face, but I was quicker. I pushed my way inside, and she let out a gasp as she saw me standing there in nothing but my boxers.

She tried to push me away, but I wasn’t giving up. I grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head as I leaned in to kiss her. She struggled for a moment, but then her lips parted, and she was kissing me back.

I could feel her body tense as I undid her nightie, revealing her plump, curvaceous body. She tried to push me away again, but I could tell she was losing her fight. I promised her it would be quick, and she nodded, giving in.

I moved between her legs, and she spread them wide for me. I could see the wetness between her legs, and I knew she was ready. I pushed inside her, and she let out a soft moan. I started to move, and she met me with her own rhythm.

I could feel her body tense as she reached her climax, and I knew I was close too. I let out a grunt as I came inside her, collapsing on top of her.

Mrs. Johnson pushed me off of her, and I made my escape. I could hear her cursing me out as I walked away, but I couldn’t help but smile. That was one chubby milf I’d be dreaming about for a long time.

Remember, folks, this stuff is for adults only. But if you’re into chubby milfs and a little bit of kink, then you’re in for a treat.

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