Tech support encounters aggressive feline.

Busty cougar fucks the computer technician [10 min]

Purr-fectly Kinky: A Tale of Tech Support and Fierce Felines

The Setup

It was a typical day at the tech support office, filled with the hum of keyboards and the occasional muffled curse. But today, something was different. The phone rang, and the screen flashed with a name that sent a jolt through my system – Mrs. Clawson. She was the notorious cougar of the local tech world, known for her sharp wit, fiery temper, and undeniable allure.

The Romp

I picked up the phone, feeling a mix of anticipation and trepidation. “Hello, Mrs. Clawson. How can I assist you today?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Assist?” she purred, her voice a low, seductive rumble. “I think what I need is a little more hands-on help.”

My heart skipped a beat. This was it. The moment I’d been fantasizing about for weeks. I agreed to her terms, my mind already racing with images of her elegant fingers tracing over the keys of my laptop.

The Seduction

She arrived at my office, a vision in black leather and silver hair. Her eyes, sharp and intelligent, locked onto mine, and I felt a surge of desire. She sat down at my desk, her movements confident and predatory.

“Let’s get started,” she said, her voice low and husky. Her fingers danced over the keyboard, her nails long and polished, leaving a trail of crimson on the keys.

The Act

As she worked, her body moved closer to mine, her breath bawdy[suggestive against my neck. I could feel her hips pressed against my thigh, her body flush against my back. She leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear, whispering lewd secrets that made my blood boil.

Her hand moved from the keyboard to my wrist, her fingers interlacing with mine. She guided me, leading me in a dance that was as off-color as it was technical.

The Express

Finally, the problem was fixed. But the real prize was yet to come. She turned to me, her eyes smoldering with desire. “You did well,” she purred, her lips curling into a seductive smile.

She leaned in, her body pressing against mine. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, her tongue exploring my mouth with a hunger that matched my own.

Adults Only: This story contains explicit and sexually charged content. Please like responsibly.

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