Woman, large derriere, photocopier, room, mature, anal, cougar.

Aline bigbutt in copy room anal cougar [30 min]

A Cougar’s Seductive Dance

Under the Soft Glow of the Office

In the heart of the bustling city, a mature beauty, a cougar in her prime, graced an obscure corner office. Her seductive allure was as palpable as the hum of the photocopier in the silence of the night.

Her large derriere, a curvaceous masterpiece, swayed rhythmically with every steps she took. Her heels clicked against the cold floor, each sound echoing through the empty room, igniting a inflame within me.

She wore a dress that hugged her body savor a second skin, revealing just enough to keep me hungering for more. Her perfume, a sensual blend of vanilla and musk, filled the air, intoxicating me as she moved closer.

She leaned against the photocopier, her eyes locked with mine, a smirk playing on her lips. In that moment, I knew she wanted me. She wanted me as much as I wanted her.

She slid her hands up her body, her fingers tracing the contours of her voluptuous figure. I could feel the heat radiating from her, my heart brush in my chest.

She beckoned me with a finger, her eyes never leaving mine. I crossed the room, each step bringing me closer to my fantasy.

As I reached her, she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me into a kiss that was as passionate as it was possessive. Her lips were soft, her tongue bold, tasting me as if claiming me as her own.

She broke the kiss, her eyes gleaming with desire. “I’ve wanted this for a long time,” she whispered, her breath intense against my ear.

She led me to the desk, her hands never leaving my body. She pushed me down onto the cold surface, her eyes never leaving mine.

She straddled me, her cougar eyes luscious into my soul. She leaned forward, her large derriere hovering just above me. “Are you ready for me, baby?” she asked, a wicked grin on her face.

I nodded, my hands grasping at her hips. She leaned back, her eyes flashing as she slid down onto me, her body enveloping mine.

The room was filled with our moans and gasps, our bodies moving in a dance as old as time. She was a cougar on the prowl, and I was her willing prey.

This is an adults-only scenario. If you’re underage or offended by explicit content, please avoid this text.

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